Thursday, 30 December 2010

White on red on black

A time to reflect, ponder the snow that fell down from the sky, so crisp and white, so beautiful and pure in its newness.

The year has flown by, and as I think about it much like the snow that has now melted and gone.  Our streets  and the ground are black with grime much like the build up of old dirt and dust which gets cleaned with the old to see the shine of the new.  With the death of the old year fast approaching (or at least that is how people seem to portray the end of something like the passing of a year) why does it seem that each year passes faster than the year before?  I know in reality that is not so but it feels that way at times.

I watch my beautiful red dogs who are alert to everything and never seem to miss a trick, I am reminded of white on red on black.  So long as red runs, it skips, plays, gets excited and seeks out whatever like the blood in my veins, black will be held back and seem like white, red and colours in between are fighting back black and despair at what could have, should have, would have!

Not that I  have regrets I am just musing over what new year is all about!  To me it seems that with each passing of a year, people reflect on the things they have done, didn't, and wish they had done or done differently, and vow to put it all right in the following year!  If that is the case, then make it so .....


  1. Happy new year to you. Looks like the puppies are having a great time soaking up the last of 2010!

  2. Thank you for your lovely comments, they are really appreciated. Hope 2011 is a fantastic year for you all.
