Monday, 4 April 2011


Take a Chance and surprise yourself - Self Portrait

The surprise realisation that I am to attend the Review Santa Fe is quite a thought with the other overriding one (which Anders and Dexter are both excited about) being, "go on take a chance you might just surprise us all"!  I am putting the judgement of the people who selected me that this chance is something I am to explore as they clearly know what they are talking about way more than I do in this field and if it is their belief that I am ready to go there based on what I presented then who am I to argue!  This is a surprise chance that has presented itself to me so in going with it, instead of questioning "how did I get here" I will just say, wow and thank you so much for this amazing opportunity and all the other ones I have had to date in my life so far!

Review Santa Fe really has completely stopped me in my tracks and made my head spin.  I know I said at the beginning of the year I was going to take a journey into Destination Unknown when I was thinking of Imogen Cunningham but I just didn't think it was going to happen so soon after writing it!  So tick box in one of my resolutions (not that I have ever done them in the past so maybe this too is part of the surprise). So with all this said,  I have to get prepared..... so here is the start of my journal on a trip to destination unknown.

One of the many hopefuls - Self Portrait!


  1. I'm glad you are at that place you can just say wow - look at how amazing I am.

  2. good luck the rest of the way to destination unknown. keep us posted.

  3. I agree with Jamie's statement! Nice entry!

  4. Good luck on your voyage. So happy you have been so inspired. It will be very exciting to see where the journey takes you!!
