Sunday 9 January 2011

Dexter has started his own blog!

My lovely boy asked me if I would set him up with a blog - how could I refuse especially when I think he is so unbelievably talented?  So if you would like to see the photographs he has taken, then you will find his blog (which I of course am managing for him but it is all his work, no editing (he doesn't know how to use photoshop etc so they are straight out of the camera) but he is deciding what he wants to put in, when and why).

Given he has only turned 9, I am exceptionally proud of his photography skills, I think he is really really good.


  1. How cool! I'm heading over to check it out now.

  2. I loved your son's photos. You are right, he is talented. If you bought the camera with a credit card, it may be insured and you could qualify for a new one.

  3. Thank you so much for following Dexter he will be thrilled when I tell him the news. I will get him to respond to your comments in his own words.

    I am not sure if it will qualify for a new one but thank you Belle I had not thought of that so will check it out. My husband felt so awful, Dexter was really great about it as he saw it was an accident (what a fantastic child he is), and I was furious at Anders. He is not having a great time of it as he got a speeding ticket yesterday too!
