Saturday 1 January 2011


Today, the first day of 2011, the first day of a new decade, the day when you wish Happy New Year to family, friends and loved ones.

Technically therefore, with this being the first day of 2011, it can in effect be the line in the sand and the start of anything and everything you want it to be!  Quite a thought really don't you think?  Maybe you know the destination you want to get to but maybe the journey getting there seems to be the challenge hence why we write lists, road maps to achieving.  This thought therefore made me think about the goals and resolutions people set which at the root of it all stems to finding home, that sense of grounding and nirvana that we all want to get to?

For me the root of it all comes down to having a solid foundation, security, somewhere you can call home, something you can say makes it all worthwhile.  Deep thinking I know, but I guess New Year, New Decade, New Challenges do this!

As I ponder over the years that have passed, and muse over what might be ahead, there is one constant that keeps me wanting to continuously do the best for, keeps me wanting to smile like an itty bitty child, keeps the light shining of hope inside and keeps me secure in the knowledge that no matter what, if I keep it alive it will remind me that home is and that constant is my loved ones.  My loved ones are the home I yearn for and that make me feel warm and secure inside.  My loved ones are the ones I want to build strong foundations and protection for every minute of every day.  My loved ones are my home, my nirvana.

Don't take me wrongly, of course being surrounded by beautiful things, but you know when I think about it all, home is where your heart is and that is for me is not determined by a house or a place or a country although like photographs they will capture memories and feelings of what has been.  The physicality of "home" can change but the constant of being in a place with people that allow you to be who you are no matter what and love you for that, that is home, that is nirvana.

I hope that 2011 is the start of us all finding our Nirvana, and lets hope that the journey getting there is always a smooth one!

Happy New Year

What a start to 2011, my favourite photograph of 2010 has been featured on Lenscratch today along with some other amazing artists who submitted their favourite images of 2010.  I am honoured to be exhibited amongst them as they are truly inspiring.  Go take a look at them it is a nice way to reminisce 2010.


  1. Congrats Joanna! Thats so wonderful...great way to start the new year.

  2. Congrats Joanna! How cool is that! May your 2011 be full of love and family - the very best of home.

  3. Thank you Anika and Jamie, you are two lovely ladies and I am so glad to have gotten to know you.
