Friday 7 May 2010

I am a very happy person today!

With absolute delight I can say "I am Funny"!!! Monday it was confirmed that I won an award for being funny - yep, funny!
It is particularly dear to me as I am the straight person to Anders who is very funny and does make me laugh a lot even when the jokes are on me.... for this reason, I am putting up a photograph of Dexter, who takes after both of us, and therefore gets "funny" from both Anders and me!
Here he is laughing at my jokes!
Clearly however I would not win an award for being great at displaying them on this blog, as it has taken me a week to figure out how to do it - doh, doh, doh followed by hurrah, hurrah, hurrah! If you click on it you will go to the Leigh v Laundry page and is a blog I stumbled upon and really like.

Actually, I must admit the person who won deleted their own comment so couldn't win the award as she didn't know how to get the................... but actually that was me too - hurrah, hurrah, hurrah again!! I made a mistake a couple of times so deleted the comments, who would have thought I would have come 1st and 2nd therefore without knowing it - must be super funny, or what!!!!

The question is now, could I possibly ever win it again?...........Doubt it as this week the photo chosen to put a caption to is rather hard, but also very disturbing!!!!

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