Wednesday 3 November 2010

The beauty of a Pug

The pug, so distinguished with wrinkles that give it so much character
Oh how those lines make you seem so mentally taxed
Or is it those huge round bulging eyes that make me feel your brain is ticking
and that is why I cant help but adore you

Your lines they tell a tale of battle
Your nose a Napoleonic boxing ring tale
You are a gentleman so noble to me
With your round belly that looks fit to burst.

Oh how I think you are sweet
Oh how I just want to kiss you
I just love the way you snort and you sneeze
When I see you I just have to get down on my knees
to say that you are a breed I adore
Confusing you some more, yep I know!

Then life just bursts into colour!

Got this painting in Miami Beach by JG Clonney years ago along with another one of a cat.  I just love these paintings and Pugs and French Bulldogs (luckily Marvin and Carly can't read so they are none the wiser!)

the long road


  1. Great photos! That is one cute pug!

    Erika B

  2. Pugs are very cute but I think the first shot is a Boston Terrier.

  3. Ashley, you could very well be right now that I look at it. When I bought the painting, I didn't know what the dog was I just thought it was such a funny and likeable painting. Boston Terrier, think that is therefore another breed to add to my cute dogs file!!!

  4. what a cute little puggy!

    it's my first time to join! mine is up as well.
    Black & White Wednesday

    btw, have followed your blog.

  5. he is so cute! love these shots

  6. What a cute little pug. My daughter wants one so bad.
