Wednesday 9 June 2010

Carly flushed out a baby crow....

Carly and Marvin come from parents who are fantastic working gun dogs. We have never trained them to retrieve, but they have done ever since they were born......
Carly particularly is fascinated by birds, and spotted a crow which was actually rather large (wouldn't have thought it was so young by it's build). It was learning to fly and it was clearly in a murder of crows as the others were flying in circles high in the sky watching what was going on. Carly flushed it out, but didn't harm it.
Carly was clearly confused as she was trying to get it to fly and the young crow just kept moving in the ditch also confused as to why on earth this crazy redhead was not leaving him alone! Davy, Sophie and Molly came to the rescue and picked it up whilst Anders distracted Marvin & Carly........
all was well as it hopped off to try again in peace!

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