Thursday, 19 August 2010

1st Day back at School.

Today was the first day back at school for Dexter after the long summer break and he was really looking forward to seeing all his friends and learning new things so he can be even smarter!

Here he is with the Lolly Pop Lady crossing the road to get to school.


  1. I love it that you call her a Lolly pop lady. That sounds so much fancier than "crossing guard" which is what we call them in Ga. Come to think of it, your Lolly Pop Lady looks much more chipper than the heavyset lady that snarls as she stops traffic near my house.

    Dexter looks so grown up and handsome.

  2. Lolly Pop comes from the fact that the stop sign she carries looks like a big lolly pop and it is such a nice term I think too. She is such a lovely chirpy lady and all the kids love her, I have never seen her not smile so I think she is great too. My wee boy does look more grown up - ahhh, sigh.....

  3. Lolly Pop - that's great! Enjoy your first day Dexter!

  4. Oh he is so sweet, I hope he had a fantastic day! My kids started a week ago and we are all a bit SO early...not a good thing :-)

  5. He looks so handsome in his uniform. I can't believe summer is over.
