Sunday 1 August 2010

Shapely Legs!

Well the prompt for The Creative Sunday was Shapely! I wish Madeline at The Sunday Creative had looked at my blog from Saturday as I had put some of this series in Sepia for Sepia Saturday - arrrgh!

Yes of course there are many more takes on the word shapely I know, but at this precise moment in time, my female mind has spotted tottie! Yes tottie in the form of shapely legs of men in kilts and well that and the curves of beautiful classic cars how can I at this moment in time top shapely?! I will try, however in case I don't manage it, I am going to post them again (and some additional ones) in colour, but with a wee twist to show that the fairer sex too can look shapely!!!

Yep, I have added the bridesmaids too as this thought I thought this shot was very curvaceous! Unfortunately, I was more in awe of the kilts and cars so didn't focus on the bride (especially as I didn't know anyone at this wedding). The bride was very lovely but the only photos I took of her didn't fit in as well as the others - sorry and it was only luck that I got this one of the bridesmaids!

The Sunday Creative


  1. What a great find for this week's prompt - and I'm loving a second go at the guys in the kilts!

  2. Definite 'shapely' going on here! Love those kilts!

  3. LOL awesome. I love the kilts and cars and the shapely legs and bridesmaids. All of it is great!

  4. These are great! Love the kilts and cars :)
