Tuesday 5 October 2010


Autumn is just such a pretty time of year, and of course it also brings about lots of mushrooms which Dexter, Ben and Zack had a lot of fun finding for me to photograph!  So here they are:

The red ones with the white spots I have never seen before, other than in children's story books.  Ironically, this mushroom has the name Fly Agaric which is one of the 'magic mushrooms'.   It really is such a pretty mushroom, vivid red and white spots which have ragged edges.


  1. Mushrooms have such interesting texture to them! Love your shots --especially that of the red mushroom with the white polka dots. =)

  2. aahh the red ones..Fairytale mushrooms is what I call them. I never knew they exsisted until I moved to The Netherlands..now Im obsessed with taking photos of them every Fall..love your pics!

  3. I had no idea that the red ones actually existed in reality!! So cool!

  4. I think you might be the best mushroom photographer I have ever known. Absolutely GORGEOUS : ) I always get so excited to see your pictures each week! We are lucky to have a cool photographer like you join us on Tuesdays!

  5. Wow! Great photos! Have a happy week!

  6. So many! So many sizes and colors, you found so many fabulous fungi!

  7. Oh how I wish we had some of those cute little fairy tale mushrooms to photograph here-the red ones with the white dots. Are they poisonous??

  8. WOW! AMAZING shots! With some very cool effects

  9. I am so glad you like these shots and thank you all for leaving comments.

    The red ones with the white spots are poisonous if you were to eat too many of them so the botanical chap told me (not sure how many too many are though and you have to do something to them before you ingest them). He also said that it was this one that people would eat to make them hallucinate hence why it is known as one of the "magic mushrooms"!
